My Creativity 01 /03 System Development Web Based PamsimasAppFeature : Managed Data Reporting PDF Export etcHere the video demoReal Demo SSJS Online Ticket WebFeature : Multi-Payment Gateway Email Ticket Sender Telegram Notification QR Based Data Management etcReal Demo 02 /03 Health and Hospital SolutionWeb-App Based Digital Medical Log Puskesmas KaliwatesFeature : Automated processing Data Management Email Sender notification Export XML datasets etcReal Demo Audit System Balung Goverment HospitalFeature : Auto display statistic from dataset Audit management based on Rules Data integration from other role etcReal Demo 03 /03 Company Profile and InformationWeb Based Informational and media WebsitesFeature : WP CRM integration RSS Call Easy update and easy fill content Google SEO Analytic Google Website Performance etcReal Demo And Another ProjectPosKlinik —-> demoFastick FAST Ticket –> demoMMP E Learning —–> demo Drop Me a Line or Two, I’m Open for a Collaboration! Let’s Talk ©2024 Freelancer Copywriter